Wild About Your Garden Episode 3 Code Red

Wild About Your Garden Episode 3 Code Red

Wild About Your Garden is introduced by Nick Knowles and he tells us that in Great Britain, people's gardens covers more area than all the nature reserves.

Every garden could be made into a wildlife haven, have a look at your own garden is it welcoming for wildlife?

This programme is to transform peoples gardens to make them welcoming for our natural wildlife.

The Wild About your Garden Team includes Award Winning Garden Designer Chris Beardshaw, Wildlife expert Ellie Harrison and Presenter Nick Knowles.

Ruth Vichos

Ruth Vichos

Ruth Vichos is a Horticultural Lecturer, New Garden Expert and Presenter on Beechgrove Garden 2024

After a varied career in retail and Customer Service, Ruth studied for a Bachelor's degree Horticultural Science at The University of Glasgow followed by a Master's degree Food Security at The University of Edinburgh.