The Animal Co-Stars of Gardeners' World

Geoff Hamilton

Gardeners' World has had lots of memorable Presenters over the years but in the last few years the Presenters Pets have started to feature more and in some case steal the limelight from them.

Comments on Social Media pages have increased for their furry Co-Presenters and in some cases there is just as much excitement for the pet as the presenter!

Where will it all end, maybe they will even feature in their own web pages as some have been known to have their own social media accounts!

The most famous Animal co-stars / pets on Gardeners' World must be Monty Don's dogs. 

His current co-stars are Ned the Golden Retriever and Patti the Yorkshire Terrier.

Monty Patti and Ned

Ned arrived at Longmeadow on 17 September 2022 and made his debut right at the end of the series.

Monty loves his Golden Retriever dogs and Ned has a playful personality that demands attention even when Monty trying to present.

Patti is a proper princess and is often seen being carried, tucked into Monty coat to keep her warm.

Patti was born on 08 April 2019 and first appeared on Gardeners' World in April 2020.

Monty nell and Nigel

Monty Don past dogs include 2 firm favourites with viewers Nellie and his beloved Nigel

Nellie, known as Nell is a Golden Retriever who joined Gardeners World in 2016.

She joined Monty's beloved Nigel and was described by Monty as having the attention span of a gnat.

Nell sadly died on 20 October 2023 after being diagnosed with Cancer

Nigel  was a Golden Retriever with a real personality and loved nothing better than playing with his tennis ball.

Nigel sadly died in May 2020 a few days before his 12th Birthday and Monty has a topiary of him in the garden.

Monty Don dogs that have featured on Gardeners' World can all be found here

Not all of Monty Dogs feature on the programme and in his 2016 book Nigel: my family and other dogs he talks with great fondness about his 4 legged companions.

Adam has been upstaged on many an occasion by what he describes as an ancient Ash the Cat 

Ash and Adam Frost

When filming from his own garden Ash likes to hinder more than help getting in the way of planting or sitting and refusing to budge.

Ash has a firm following on social media all keen to know if he is appearing!

Adam also has his dogs Isla the Cocker Spaniel and a black Labrador called Mo who rarely get a look in with Ash taking centre stage.

Frances and rescue dog Rua (which means red) made their first TV appearance together during Covid-19 Lockdown when they appeared on Grow Your Own at Home with Alan Titchmarsh from their then home in Folkstone Kent.

Frances and Rua

Frances  takes Rua to work with her and  she has a full time job near her home in Devon for the Sharpham Trust Gardens as Head Gardener.

Rua has manged to sneak a few appearances when Frances is presenting from her own new garden in Devon. 

Frances has a new book out about the gardens creation and I bet Rua sneaked in too! Gardeners’ World: A Year in a Small Garden: Creating a Beautiful Garden in Any Space

Nick Bailey has had Orla since May 2021 and his family has always loved Spaniels.


When Nick moved to his new house in March 2023  and the makeover of the garden appeared on Gardeners' World along with the playful Orla.

Past Pets from Gardeners' world

Alan Titchmarsh had his cat Spud for 18 years and they regularly appeared together on Gardeners' World.

Alan and Spud

Spud sadly died in 2015 after a long happy life.

Geoff Hamilton also had a cat called Dennis, maybe he started it all off and we have Dennis to thank or blame for his co-presenting!

Apparently there was also another cat and they were both named after Gardeners' World Producers but can find no details?

Monty and dog

Are the Cats and Dogs who belong to the presenters taking over Gardeners' World, taking away from the actual gardening or are they a welcome addition?

Usually the only sort of pets us Gardeners do not like is when its raining Cats and Dogs and we want to get out in the garden! 

All photographs are copyright of

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