Christine's Garden

Christine's Garden

Christine's Garden was first shown on  BBC2 on 30 December 2005 with just 6, 30 minute episodes and ran for 2 series.

The series was repeated on BBC2 in January 2022 bringing this charming programme and memories back to our screens.

The programme features Lancashire lass Christine Walkden in her 1950's ex council house and garden in Harlow Essex with the background of constant plane noise from nearby Stanstead Airport.

This seems an unlikely location for the Horticulturist / gardening expert with over 35 years experience to make what turned out to be a popular and much loved gardening programme of its time.


Christine enthusiasm for her garden and love of gardening is summed up with her opening speech. 
"I love gardening - I do not like it - I eat it, sleep it, drink it, dream it"
Her 175 by 35 foot garden is her pride and joy and is made up of 3 areas, pots on the patio, herbaceous border and her vegetable patch. 

This series does not only feature Christine and her friendly likeable personality but also her trusty side kick for 14 years, Tara the dog, now slightly deaf, Tara barks her way through each episode.

The neighbours

The neighbours also play a big part in the charm of this programme, Reg and Pat live 2 doors down and Reg's laughter and garden bring many a funny moment to the series.

The size of his courgettes, his Big Boy Tomatoes and butchered Plums it is no wonder that wife Pat is camera shy.

Reg sadly died in 2010.

Next door but one is Louise who needs advise on her trees in exchange for eggs and has a boyfriend called Colin.

We follow Christine as she teaches at nearby Writtle College, gives talks to groups, and works in clients gardens.

Christine allotment

She goes back to visit her past lecturer Ben Andrews and takes a trip down memory lane to her childhood home and her allotment that she got at the age of 11 to check on its progress and reminisce on where it all began.


Christine's happy go lucky attitude means there is never a dull moment from setting her mower on fire to admitting to a plastic problem at the Garden Centre, Credit Card not plastic pots!

Series 2 was filmed a year later and was first shown on 25 March 2007 and repeated recently on BBC2 on 27 March 2022.

This series carried on the same format of following Christine during her job as a Horticulturist as well as her interactions with her neighbour and the very loveable Jolly Reg.

This feel good series, was simple in its format, an enthusiastic Christine, the characters she met in her everyday life and a love for gardening. 

It was a real shame we had to wait 9 more years after this to see her take to the air in Glorious Gardens from Above as her infinite knowledge and enthusiasm for gardening is simply charming.

TV programme


Series 1


Series 2


A year in Christine's Garden

All photographs are copyright of


  1. Christine is one of the most wonderful uplifting and inspiring people I have ever know,I say ‘known ‘ even though I have never met her. Christine’s descriptions of her garden, the country side , the places she loves ,and how she came to love nurture and grow all she does,she describes and conveys in a way that is Pure poetry. I
    Have played both series over and over again . I wish the series were available to buy on a dvd set? I am going to purchase Christine’s book .
    Thank you again and All the very Best to all concerned in making these wonderful series. I would like to pass my sincere best wishes to Christine .
    From Mrs Jackalynn Milton
    Liverpool L 18

  2. Hi
    I love this series too and wish also you could get on dvd but sadly not, the series is so uplifting and inspiring that now I’ve found joy doing my garden , I love the people they are so natural, such pure delight thank you to everyone who made the show what it is 👍

  3. What a lovely programme..Loved Reg..
