This weeks episode of Real Gardens Episode 14 it is an hour long special returning to see some previous featured gardens and their gardeners.
Monty Don is in Liverpool, to see Annabel, Nick & their 4 children, for a return Visit
Annabel Waynne Jones lives in the suburbs of Liverpool and when the programme first visited her garden it was split into 2 separate gardens.
On Monty Don first visit he set too, pruning an out of control Buddleia in Monty's usual radicle style. It was cut to the ground.
This uncovered the shed area which was to be their project.
The shed was cleared and shrubs and trees cut back and the plan revealed that it was to be Annabel formal part of the garden.
Annabel does have some lovely spring flowers, including Apple blossom, Cinquefoil Potentilla Fruticosa 'Farrer's White', Bugle Ajuga Reptans and Spurge Euphorbia Polychroma.
The major work started with a new lawn to replace the old lawn, with Nick and daughter Daisy as supervisors.
A turf cutter helped cut the workload and the old lawn left stacked for loam.
Then it was rotavated and tons of top soil added and raked.
The turf was rolled out and trimmed and it looked so much better.
The next job was to start work on the new formal area that Annabel had cleared and saved the old bricks from.
Annabel had a plan well a photograph and had marked out the paths and beds.
The area was then levelled with Monty having no real clue to how the design was meant to be.
When Monty returned Annabel had created her parterre with pale grey gravel paths and formal symmetrical beds edged in the reclaimed bricks with an archway at the entrance.
On the next visit Annabel pond area was full of Shasta Daisy Leucanthemum x Superbum at their best.
Monty first checks on the Buddleia he Monty pruned in the first visit, it is in full flower and looking good.
This episodes job is to start work on the Italian inspired terrace, and firstly the base of hardcore and sand.
This was then levelled for the paving slabs that Annabel was to finish herself (and re-lay completely).
When Monty returns the Italian terrace is fully slabbed. Annabel has also added a Box Buxus 'Suffruticosa' hedge to the Parterre beds.
In the next episode Monty helped to plant up the Parterre beds with some winter flowering Pansies which he then proceeded to cut off all the flowers to make them flower better and bush out.
Monty and Annabel often had varying views and when she wanted to plant and train a peach tree on the back wall, they didn't agree on the soil and drainage.
Annabel had prepared the area on concrete with some old compost, Monty stated they need good drainage and soil.
Monty had to go along with it as it was Annabel's garden but they hit bare concrete when planting!
Monty next visit was in Autumn and Annabel had been busy building a stream.
She needed Monty help to place some old boulders and stones to cover the lining to form the stream bed. Nick actually helped out and installed the pump!
On Monty return for this programme it is 9 months later and Annabel has been making more improvements. and the garden is looking good and they have a new pet rabbit.
Annabel has planted a woodland area with a beech hedge, she has fenced in the Parterre area and it has a new access from the woodland area.
Of course their is a project for Monty to help with, a new water feature as the focal point in the Parterre of a concrete orb that Monty carries and fixes to the pluming and adjusts.
The stream has been a wonderful success and looks very natural!
Then Monty brings up the Peach Tree! It is fruiting and Annabel suggests Monty picks one to take home only to find a shop bought peach wired on to the tree!!
Monty states he really enjoyed his revisit to Annabel's garden and that it is a good garden because Annabel has put as much of her in the garden and you get out what you put in!
Gem has always been a keen gardener and likes to escape into the garden so when Carol Klein first visited, a full but very short tour was the order of the day.
The garden was crammed full of plants that had been well looked after and the first job was to create a seating area to admire it from.
Gem liked the idea of decking but that meant a whole flower bed will be lost but they transfer the plants into tubs. They need to be dug up and replanted quickly.
With the decking finished the plants were replanted into a raised planter on the next visit it was hanging baskets.
A mix of organic and normal compost and water retaining crystals were added to the basket by Drew.
Gem does his watering In the morning. They planted tomatoes, chilli's, Basil and marigolds A moveable Pizza!
Gem loves to propagate so on the next visit there are seedlings everywhere so a cold frame was built.
Old bricks were used for the side and base and then shingle.
Next the self assembly cold frame which proved challenging but looked good when it was finished.
Next time the old lawn has to go and be replaced with a beach effect. Lawn removed, membrane laid and 2 tonnes of gravel later.
His inspiration came from a visit to David Jarman garden in Dungeness.
In the gravel, in 2 little island beds, they planted Yarrow Achillea 'Taygetea', Mugwort Artemesia 'Silver Queen' and Sea Holly Eryngium 'Violetta'.
They then added some cobbles.
Gem and Drew were so pleased with the gravel garden and were pleased they went lawn free.
Monty Don is in Liverpool, to see Annabel, Nick & their 4 children, for a return Visit
Annabel Waynne Jones lives in the suburbs of Liverpool and when the programme first visited her garden it was split into 2 separate gardens.
On one side there was a pond, brick path and shed and on the other side was a play area. The left hand side of the garden had previously been a coal yard.
Annabel has 4 young children, and her husband Nick was not an outdoor lover.
Annabel has done a lot of work in the garden putting in the pond on the site of a coal yard building.

Annabel has 4 young children, and her husband Nick was not an outdoor lover.
Annabel has done a lot of work in the garden putting in the pond on the site of a coal yard building.

On Monty Don first visit he set too, pruning an out of control Buddleia in Monty's usual radicle style. It was cut to the ground.
This uncovered the shed area which was to be their project.

The shed was cleared and shrubs and trees cut back and the plan revealed that it was to be Annabel formal part of the garden.

Annabel does have some lovely spring flowers, including Apple blossom, Cinquefoil Potentilla Fruticosa 'Farrer's White', Bugle Ajuga Reptans and Spurge Euphorbia Polychroma.

The major work started with a new lawn to replace the old lawn, with Nick and daughter Daisy as supervisors.
A turf cutter helped cut the workload and the old lawn left stacked for loam.
Then it was rotavated and tons of top soil added and raked.
The turf was rolled out and trimmed and it looked so much better.

The next job was to start work on the new formal area that Annabel had cleared and saved the old bricks from.
Annabel had a plan well a photograph and had marked out the paths and beds.
The area was then levelled with Monty having no real clue to how the design was meant to be.
When Monty returned Annabel had created her parterre with pale grey gravel paths and formal symmetrical beds edged in the reclaimed bricks with an archway at the entrance.

On the next visit Annabel pond area was full of Shasta Daisy Leucanthemum x Superbum at their best.

Monty first checks on the Buddleia he Monty pruned in the first visit, it is in full flower and looking good.
This episodes job is to start work on the Italian inspired terrace, and firstly the base of hardcore and sand.
This was then levelled for the paving slabs that Annabel was to finish herself (and re-lay completely).
When Monty returns the Italian terrace is fully slabbed. Annabel has also added a Box Buxus 'Suffruticosa' hedge to the Parterre beds.

In the next episode Monty helped to plant up the Parterre beds with some winter flowering Pansies which he then proceeded to cut off all the flowers to make them flower better and bush out.

Monty and Annabel often had varying views and when she wanted to plant and train a peach tree on the back wall, they didn't agree on the soil and drainage.
Annabel had prepared the area on concrete with some old compost, Monty stated they need good drainage and soil.
Monty had to go along with it as it was Annabel's garden but they hit bare concrete when planting!
Monty next visit was in Autumn and Annabel had been busy building a stream.
She needed Monty help to place some old boulders and stones to cover the lining to form the stream bed. Nick actually helped out and installed the pump!

On Monty return for this programme it is 9 months later and Annabel has been making more improvements. and the garden is looking good and they have a new pet rabbit.

Annabel has planted a woodland area with a beech hedge, she has fenced in the Parterre area and it has a new access from the woodland area.
Of course their is a project for Monty to help with, a new water feature as the focal point in the Parterre of a concrete orb that Monty carries and fixes to the pluming and adjusts.

The stream has been a wonderful success and looks very natural!

Then Monty brings up the Peach Tree! It is fruiting and Annabel suggests Monty picks one to take home only to find a shop bought peach wired on to the tree!!
Monty states he really enjoyed his revisit to Annabel's garden and that it is a good garden because Annabel has put as much of her in the garden and you get out what you put in!
Ann-Marie Powell is in Burton-on-Trent, to visit Heather & Russell, for a return Visit.
Heather & Russell Eales live on the outskirts on Burton-on-Trent and have a very steeply sloped garden of the house they took over from their Great Aunt.
Heather is a beauty therapist that hates frogs!
Heather & Russell Eales live on the outskirts on Burton-on-Trent and have a very steeply sloped garden of the house they took over from their Great Aunt.
Heather is a beauty therapist that hates frogs!

The couple had already done a lot of work clearing out the rubbish and wanted a whole new garden. This garden was certainly going to be a challenge for them over the next 6 months.
When Ann-Marie Powell first visited in Series 1 in 1999 the first challenge was evident, the huge Leylandii hedge.
They hired a scaffolding tower and set to work with a hedge trimmer after gaining permission from the neighbours.
Heather started work on the lower section and Ann-Marie and Russell on the top! It certainly was a mammoth task.
Next job was a pond for wildlife as Russell is very keen on frogs but Heather does not like frogs!
They dug out the pond and had a preformed pond they levelled off and filled.
On Ann-Marie next visit they had a plan for planting in the bottom section of the garden where there was a small lawn. They wanted texture and colour in the beds for impact.
Heather really wanted to have French Lavender Lavandula Stoechas in the garden as she uses it in Aromatherapy at work for aches and pains, skin rejuvenating.
Ann-Marie points out that people don't trim them as scared to lose the plants and then they get to leggy and woody. They need trimming in spring.
Protective clothing was needed on the next visit to put in wooden stakes for a retaining wall in this very steeply sloping garden.
These needed to be cut to length but unfortunately the chainsaw broke and a handsaw made the job very hard work leaving everyone exhausted.
On Ann-Marie next visit they had completed loads more of the retaining wall and the garden was looking radically different.
Colour was starting to appear in the garden and also a large concrete hand sculpture has appeared in the flower bed.
Russell was often outnumbered in the garden design decisions and teasing.
But Russell had been busy building the stone steps to make access to the garden a lot safer.
He has achieved this by digging down, levelling and laying a base of sand then building up the steps with brick and slabs.
Ann-Marie said she would have done it differently with hardcore and cement. But time will tell if the steps are to last!!
They finished off the steps the Russell way with Ann-Marie still not happy with no cement just sand to bed them in.
On The next visit Heather had made preparations for her sloping screen bed which she wants to be very low maintenance due to the access.
Heather has already placed some rocks which Ann-Marie doesn't like. They plant alpines and add gravel and water well.
Lawn maintenance is on the agenda in Ann-Marie September visit.
Russell gets his rake out to remove the moss then they need to aerate the lawn, Russell has a fork but he gives Ann-Marie some spiked shoes!
A new shed was added to the bottom of the garden by her Ann-Marie next visit and the garden was looking lovely but a huge change was to happen!
The Leylandii hedge was to be cut down much to Ann-Marie delight and chainsaw! The neighbours and the couple both wanted it gone so a good result all round.
This was when Ann-Marie last saw the garden.
A year later Ann-Marie returns and is shocked by the immaculately tidy garden.
Everything has grown so much including the sedum in the sloping Alpine bed.
Heather has been separating and replanting the Houseleek Sempervivum Tectorum.
Since putting the fence up they have added a new bed that includes Japanese Banana Musa Basjoo and other tender plants that Ann-Marie says are doomed to die. But Russell says they are going to protect them.
Russell has also started to slot vegetables into the garden. A wild rabbit has caused some issues!
The pond is hidden under a mass of plants and 4 frogs have taken residence and Heather admits to picking one up to save from the mower.
The lawn is looking good and the hand sculpture in the bed is more disguised by plants!
The initial hard work in the garden is really reaping rewards now with a good structure in place the garden if filling out and becoming less maintenance.
They have put their own personality into the garden and they love it.
Carol Klein is in Portsmouth, to visit Gem & Drew for a return Visit.

When Ann-Marie Powell first visited in Series 1 in 1999 the first challenge was evident, the huge Leylandii hedge.
They hired a scaffolding tower and set to work with a hedge trimmer after gaining permission from the neighbours.
Heather started work on the lower section and Ann-Marie and Russell on the top! It certainly was a mammoth task.

Next job was a pond for wildlife as Russell is very keen on frogs but Heather does not like frogs!
They dug out the pond and had a preformed pond they levelled off and filled.

On Ann-Marie next visit they had a plan for planting in the bottom section of the garden where there was a small lawn. They wanted texture and colour in the beds for impact.
Heather really wanted to have French Lavender Lavandula Stoechas in the garden as she uses it in Aromatherapy at work for aches and pains, skin rejuvenating.
Ann-Marie points out that people don't trim them as scared to lose the plants and then they get to leggy and woody. They need trimming in spring.

Protective clothing was needed on the next visit to put in wooden stakes for a retaining wall in this very steeply sloping garden.

These needed to be cut to length but unfortunately the chainsaw broke and a handsaw made the job very hard work leaving everyone exhausted.
On Ann-Marie next visit they had completed loads more of the retaining wall and the garden was looking radically different.
Colour was starting to appear in the garden and also a large concrete hand sculpture has appeared in the flower bed.

Russell was often outnumbered in the garden design decisions and teasing.
But Russell had been busy building the stone steps to make access to the garden a lot safer.
He has achieved this by digging down, levelling and laying a base of sand then building up the steps with brick and slabs.
Ann-Marie said she would have done it differently with hardcore and cement. But time will tell if the steps are to last!!
They finished off the steps the Russell way with Ann-Marie still not happy with no cement just sand to bed them in.

On The next visit Heather had made preparations for her sloping screen bed which she wants to be very low maintenance due to the access.
Heather has already placed some rocks which Ann-Marie doesn't like. They plant alpines and add gravel and water well.

Russell gets his rake out to remove the moss then they need to aerate the lawn, Russell has a fork but he gives Ann-Marie some spiked shoes!

A new shed was added to the bottom of the garden by her Ann-Marie next visit and the garden was looking lovely but a huge change was to happen!
The Leylandii hedge was to be cut down much to Ann-Marie delight and chainsaw! The neighbours and the couple both wanted it gone so a good result all round.

This was when Ann-Marie last saw the garden.

A year later Ann-Marie returns and is shocked by the immaculately tidy garden.
Everything has grown so much including the sedum in the sloping Alpine bed.
Heather has been separating and replanting the Houseleek Sempervivum Tectorum.

Since putting the fence up they have added a new bed that includes Japanese Banana Musa Basjoo and other tender plants that Ann-Marie says are doomed to die. But Russell says they are going to protect them.
Russell has also started to slot vegetables into the garden. A wild rabbit has caused some issues!

The pond is hidden under a mass of plants and 4 frogs have taken residence and Heather admits to picking one up to save from the mower.
The lawn is looking good and the hand sculpture in the bed is more disguised by plants!
They have put their own personality into the garden and they love it.
Carol Klein is in Portsmouth, to visit Gem & Drew for a return Visit.
Gem and Drew lived in a tiny cottage in Portsmouth that had an equally tiny garden.
They had lived there for 8 years and Gem was the gardener and Drew was more happier on his computer.
They had lived there for 8 years and Gem was the gardener and Drew was more happier on his computer.

Gem has always been a keen gardener and likes to escape into the garden so when Carol Klein first visited, a full but very short tour was the order of the day.

The garden was crammed full of plants that had been well looked after and the first job was to create a seating area to admire it from.
Gem liked the idea of decking but that meant a whole flower bed will be lost but they transfer the plants into tubs. They need to be dug up and replanted quickly.

With the decking finished the plants were replanted into a raised planter on the next visit it was hanging baskets.
A mix of organic and normal compost and water retaining crystals were added to the basket by Drew.
Gem does his watering In the morning. They planted tomatoes, chilli's, Basil and marigolds A moveable Pizza!

Gem loves to propagate so on the next visit there are seedlings everywhere so a cold frame was built.
Old bricks were used for the side and base and then shingle.
Next the self assembly cold frame which proved challenging but looked good when it was finished.

Next time the old lawn has to go and be replaced with a beach effect. Lawn removed, membrane laid and 2 tonnes of gravel later.
His inspiration came from a visit to David Jarman garden in Dungeness.

In the gravel, in 2 little island beds, they planted Yarrow Achillea 'Taygetea', Mugwort Artemesia 'Silver Queen' and Sea Holly Eryngium 'Violetta'.
They then added some cobbles.
Gem and Drew were so pleased with the gravel garden and were pleased they went lawn free.

When Carol returned in late summer it was time to collect seeds. Gem grew over 2/3 of the plants from seeds including Larkspur Consolida 'Earl Grey' .
They start with the Foxgloves that are bursting with seeds and cut the flower spikes off, they lay them on some paper and the seeds spill out.
Gem labels and dates an envelope and put in the seeds. Next is the poppies and they place a bag over the seed head and cut it off.
The Arum Lily Zantedeschia Aethiopica Gem takes the seed pods when they are green but Carol leaves them until they are red.
Gem and Drew garden has always been for socialising with friends and the completion of the garden had to be celebrated with a party!
A year Later Carol returns to the bursting with flower garden.
Carol is disappointed they can manage without her as the garden is looking amazing.
The beach has made the garden and tied it all together and plants are now self seeding in it.
The bed at the side is looking lovely with a lot of blue plants including Sage Salvia Guaranitica which he has taken cuttings from and kept in his lemonery (potting shed at bottom of garden).
Gem also shows off his Arum Lily he grew from the green seeds!
Carol really enjoyed her return visit and to see all their hard work.
They start with the Foxgloves that are bursting with seeds and cut the flower spikes off, they lay them on some paper and the seeds spill out.
Gem labels and dates an envelope and put in the seeds. Next is the poppies and they place a bag over the seed head and cut it off.
The Arum Lily Zantedeschia Aethiopica Gem takes the seed pods when they are green but Carol leaves them until they are red.

Gem and Drew garden has always been for socialising with friends and the completion of the garden had to be celebrated with a party!
A year Later Carol returns to the bursting with flower garden.
Carol is disappointed they can manage without her as the garden is looking amazing.

The beach has made the garden and tied it all together and plants are now self seeding in it.

The bed at the side is looking lovely with a lot of blue plants including Sage Salvia Guaranitica which he has taken cuttings from and kept in his lemonery (potting shed at bottom of garden).
Gem also shows off his Arum Lily he grew from the green seeds!

Carol really enjoyed her return visit and to see all their hard work.
Unfortunately I have not been able to get hold of the previous 2 series but I will cover them when or if they become available. Or in fact this is the start of series 3 and the previous episodes were series 2? Pete Free 🌻
All photographs are copyright of Channel 4
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